Guocong Quan
Guocong Quan
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Email: quangc AT
Guocong Quan received his B.E. degree in electrical engineering from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China, in 2016.
He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, in 2021,
advised by Prof. Ness B. Shroff,
Prof. Atilla Eryilmaz
and Prof. Jian Tan.
From Oct. 2021 to Mar. 2024, he worked as a research scientist and then a senior research scientist at Meta (formerly the Facebook company), Menlo Park, CA, USA.
Before joining SYSU, he was a postdoctoral fellow at The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
working with Prof. Xiaojun Lin.
His current research interests include
Journal papers
G. Quan, A. Eryilmaz, N. Shroff, Minimizing Edge Caching Service Costs Through Regret-Optimal Online
Learning, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 32(5): 4349-4364, 2024.
G. Quan, A. Eryilmaz, N. Shroff, Optimal Edge Caching for Individualized Demand Dynamics, IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Networking (ToN), 32(4): 2826-2841, 2024.
G. Quan, A. Eryilmaz, J. Tan, N. Shroff, Prefetching and Caching for Minimizing Service Costs: Optimal and
Approximation Strategies, Performance Evaluation, 145: 102149, 2021.
G. Quan, J. Tan, A. Eryilmaz, Counterintuitive Characteristics of Optimal Distributed LRU Caching Over
Unreliable Channels, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 28(6): 2461-2474, 2020.
G. Quan, J. Tan, A. Eryilmaz, N. Shroff, A New Flexible Multi-flow LRU Cache Management Paradigm for
Minimizing Misses, Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS),
3(2): 39:1-39:30, 2019.
J. Tan, G. Quan, K. Ji, N. Shroff, On Resource Pooling and Separation for LRU Caching, Proceedings of the ACM on
Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), 2(1): 5:1-5:31, 2018.
Conference papers
G. Quan, A. Eryilmaz, N. Shroff, Regret-Optimal Learning for Minimizing Edge Caching Service Costs, IEEE
WiOpt, 2022.
G. Quan, A. Eryilmaz, J. Tan, N. Shroff, Prefetching and Caching for Minimizing Service Costs: Optimal and
Approximation Strategies, IFIP Performance, 2020.
[Extended Abstract]
[Journal Version]
G. Quan, J. Tan, A. Eryilmaz, N. Shroff, A New Flexible Multi-flow LRU Cache Management Paradigm for Minimizing Misses,
[Extended Abstract]
[Journal Version]
G. Quan, J. Tan, A. Eryilmaz, Counterintuitive Characteristics of Optimal Distributed LRU Caching Over
Unreliable Channels, IEEE INFOCOM, 2019. (IEEE INFOCOM 2019 Best Paper Award)
G. Quan, K. Ji, J. Tan, LRU Caching with Dependent Competing Requests, IEEE INFOCOM, 2018.
K. Ji, G. Quan, J. Tan, Asymptotic Miss Ratio of LRU Caching with Consistent Hashing, IEEE INFOCOM, 2018.
J. Tan, G. Quan, K. Ji, N. Shroff, On Resource Pooling and Separation for LRU Caching, ACM SIGMETRICS, 2018.
[Extended Abstract]
[Journal Version]
Honors & Awards
IEEE INFOCOM Best Paper Award, 2019
IEEE INFOCOM Best In-session Presentation Award, 2019
ACM SIGMETRICS Student Travel Grant, 2019, 2018
National Scholarship, USTC, 2015
Academic Services
Organizing Committees
Program Committees
Journal Review
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems